I've had the incredible pleasure to work with rock-stars, Session musicians, actors, producers, production companies, legendary studios, music schools, and a whole bunch of amazingly lovely beginners and hobbyists! I LOVE YOU ALL and Thank you!
“feels really really good man. ”
“The Guitar Plays Great, Thank you”
“My guitars are finally staying in Tune”
“These guitars play dope my man”
“The best tech in town”
“got all my guitars playing great again! thanks dude!”
“Luis is the best tech I’ve ever worked with and he’s also the nicest!”
“Luis, you nailed it! these guitars play so wonderful!”
“Its not an easy job when the band has six guitar players, Luis handled it like a champ. ”
“We Love working with Luis, amazing work!”
“My bass plays perfect! even after me throwing it into the crowd!”
“I think this is the lowest action I’ve ever had! Thanks Luis”
“salieron chingonas”
“Luis is an asshole, but he is a great guitar tech. ”
And many more :)