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If I panic, everyone else panics

First and foremost I am grateful to have my health and to live in this amazing country we call the USA. I am grateful and thankful for all the amazing and hard working doctors, nurses, health workers, first responders, scientists, delivery drivers, food service providers and everyone else who’s out there in the front lines of this covId-19 battle. I really and truly appreciate your hard work and sacrifices.   

Some of you probably share a similar story as mine. On March 11th and 12th I went from being the busiest I've ever been to losing almost all my work. I was getting ready to embark on a year long tour (march 19th) where I’d probably be making more money than I’d ever have before. Well we all know that went out the window and the following days were a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from fear, sadness, stress to a small little panic attack. Pretty much me going through puberty and high school again.

I took a step back and wrote some shit out to help me understand the situation better. This is what I wrote and I'm posting this in case it can help someone out there as well. Take what you want from it and if you wanna add anything to it please comment below.